Digi AW02-G300 AnywhereUSB 2 plus Network-Attached USB 3.1 Hub, 2 ports

Connect USB peripheral devices anywhere on a Local Area Network (LAN) without a locally-attached host computer
AnywhereUSB 2 Plus; dual USB 3.1 Gen 1 Ports, 10M/100M/1G Ethernet
– Network-attached USB hubs easily connect USB peripheral devices to a PC from remote or virtual hosts
– Ideal for connecting USB devices over the network in virtualized environments such as VMware
– Access and monitor USB and serial devices over TCP/IP connection
– Supports multi-host connectivity for each USB port or group independently
– Supports Digi Remote Manager cloud-based management platform to deploy, monitor and manage devices
Includes bundled 5V, 30W Extended Temperature Power Supply (76000965)